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Create Mobile and Desktop Applications using AI
Company information
AppScriptor is an AI-powered platform designed to automatically generate mobile app source code from user-defined inputs. It simplifies the app development process by allowing users to create apps without needing advanced coding skills. The platform supports various features and customization options, helping users transform their ideas into functional apps quickly and efficiently. Ideal for entrepreneurs, startups, and developers looking for a streamlined, no-code solution to app creation.
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- Cross-platform
- Mobile app creation
- Desktop app creation
- AI-powered
- Code generation
- Up to 60 apps
Social links
AppScriptor is an AI-powered platform designed to automatically generate mobile app source code from user-defined inputs. It simplifies the app development process by allowing users to create apps without needing advanced coding skills. The platform supports various features and customization options, helping users transform their ideas into functional apps quickly and efficiently. Ideal for entrepreneurs, startups, and developers looking for a streamlined, no-code solution to app creation.
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Pricing tiers
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- Up to 5 apps
- Basic features
- Community support
- Free updates
- Up to 20 apps
- Basic features
- Community support
- Free updates
- Up to 60 apps
- Advanced features
- Priority support
- Advanced analytics
Coupon codes
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