Sponsored content

Sponsored content is an excellent addition to your marketing and advertising efforts. Honest reviews, comparisons, and press releases from a trusted source can be valuable assets to your company's online reputation. A well-placed review or competitor comparison piece can do wonders for your conversion rate when used strategically.

Sponsored Content Pricing

Sponsored content are one-time cost. All reviews and comparisons are honest and subject to approval. Should the product review or comparison not be in your favor, we will offer 100% refund.

Blog type
Press release
Announcing a release of a new product, service, or program your company is offering. You can write and submit your own press release.
Product/Service Reviews
Our writers will sign up, test, and review your product or service. This type of blog cannot be self published.
Competitor Comparison
Our writers will do an honest assessment of your company vs another competitor and write an indepth review comparing the two services. Learn more here.

Benefits of Sponsored Content

  • Targeted audience
    Highly targeted audience with strong buyer's intent.
  • Use for advertising
    Carefully crafted reviews and comparisons convert significantly better than traditional landing pages.
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