B2B Rocket

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Supercharge Your Sales & book new revenue with AI.

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Founded by
Yuting Zhong
Founder(s) unavailable
Located in
Beverly Hills, CA
Location unavailable
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B2B Rocket

B2B Rocket is an AI-powered tool designed to enhance B2B sales processes and lead generation by automating various tasks. With B2B Rocket, users can customize AI agents to target their ideal customers and create compelling sales pitches.

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  • AI-Driven lead generation
  • Personalized Interactions
  • Automated meeting setup
  • Intelligent Customer Profiling
  • Prospect Quality Assurance
  • Rich Prospect Profiles
  • Intent Data Capture
  • CRM Integration
  • Continuous Evolution
  • Bespoke Email Creation
  • Autonomous Emailing
  • Real-Time Interaction
  • Scheduled Follow-Ups
  • Action-Oriented CTAs
  • Optimization Through A/B Testing



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B2B Rocket

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Pricing tiers

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Starter Package


Jumpstart Your Sales Rocket:

  • 3 Agents: Triple the hustle, triple the results
  • 3,700+/est. New Leads Monthly: Dive into a sea of opportunities
  • 16,000/est. Total Emails Monthly: More touchpoints, more conversions
  • Boost with Extra Agents: $599 to add-on any additional agents

Growth Package


Turbocharge Your Brand:

  • 5 Agents: The dream team of outreach
  • 6,000+/est. New Leads Monthly: Potential at every corner
  • 27,000/est. Total Emails Monthly: Make every email count
  • Boost with Extra Agents: $473 to add-on any additional agents

Scale Package


Total Market Dominance:

  • 10 Agents: The sales army
  • 12,000+/est. New Leads Monthly: Conquer every opportunity
  • 54,000/est. Total Emails Monthly: Emails that don't just talk, they convert
  • Boost with Extra Agents: $420 to add-on any additional agents

Coupon codes

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