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Publisher-centric monetization solutions
Company information
Bidmatic.io is a publisher-centric ad monetization platform that helps publishers maximize their revenue through programmatic advertising. It offers features like header bidding, programmatic direct sales, and access to top SSP demand partners. Bidmatic.io also provides AI and adtech experts to help publishers achieve their goals.
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- Core Web Vitals Friendly Solution
- AI Performance Optimization
- Detailed and Transparent Reporting
- Maximum Ad Quality, Optimal Bid Density
- Customer-centered support
- Transparent Modular Service
- Direct Sales Team
- Smart Ad Refresh
Social links
Bidmatic.io is a publisher-centric ad monetization platform that helps publishers maximize their revenue through programmatic advertising. It offers features like header bidding, programmatic direct sales, and access to top SSP demand partners. Bidmatic.io also provides AI and adtech experts to help publishers achieve their goals.
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Pricing tiers
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We do our best to make sure the Service List database is accurate. Although changes do happen, you can always visit their website for the latest information.
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