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Your AI knowledge assistant for work.
Company information
Dashworks is an AI-powered knowledge assistant designed to streamline work processes. It seamlessly integrates with your existing apps, providing instant answers and insights directly within your workflow. Benefits include increased productivity, streamlined work processes, and the ability to create and share customizable AI workflows across your team.
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- AI-Powered Search
- Content Creation
- Cross-Platform Integration
- Workflow Automation
- Workflow Templates
- Workflow Sharing
Social links
Dashworks is an AI-powered knowledge assistant designed to streamline work processes. It seamlessly integrates with your existing apps, providing instant answers and insights directly within your workflow. Benefits include increased productivity, streamlined work processes, and the ability to create and share customizable AI workflows across your team.
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Pricing tiers
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- Unlimited usage
- 30+ core integrations
- Slackbot
- Workflows
- Shared topics
Contact Saless
- AI customization
- Analytics and insights
- HRIS integrations
- SSO and SCIM
- Multiple connections per application
- Prioritized new integration requests
Coupon codes
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