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The #1 LinkedIn automation tool

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Editor's Choice

Company information

Founded by
Will van der Sanden
Founder(s) unavailable
Located in
Location unavailable
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Dux-Soup is an AI tool for LinkedIn lead generation campaigns. It automates engagement with targeted prospects on LinkedIn and allows for personalized messaging to improve response rates. The tool is transparent and safe to use within LinkedIn, without needing third-party access. Success stories showcase the tool's ability to save time and achieve high response rates.

No information available.


  • Find your perfect audience
  • Connect and engage
  • Generate and manage leads



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Pricing tiers

We do our best to make sure the Service List database is accurate. Although changes do happen, you can always visit their website for the latest information.

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Starter Dux


  • Scan / visit profiles (Visit Only)
  • Manually tag profiles (100)
  • Search by tags
  • LinkedIn Basic, Business and Sales Navigator
  • Retain full control of your LinkedIn account
  • No access from untrusted 3rd party environments
  • Transparent LinkedIn activity from your desktop

Pro Dux


  • Scan / visit profiles
  • Send connection requests
  • Send direct messages and InMails
  • Auto endorse
  • Manually tag profiles (unlimited)
  • Auto tag profiles
  • Search by tags
  • Export to csv
  • Import csv list
  • LinkedIn Basic, Business and Sales Navigator
  • Retain full control of your LinkedIn account
  • No access from untrusted 3rd party environments
  • Transparent LinkedIn activity from your desktop

Turbo Dux


  • Scan / visit profiles
  • Send connection requests
  • Send connection follow-up messages
  • Send direct messages and InMails
  • Auto endorse
  • Unlimited concurrent drip campaigns
  • Add up to 12 actions per campaign
  • Set delays of days / weeks/ months
  • Enroll directly from LinkedIn/ Hubspot/ Pipedrive/ SharpSpring
  • Enroll from any 3rd party system with Zapier/ Make
  • Shared campaigns (team plan)
  • Collaborative team outreach (team plan)
  • Dux-Dash funnel management
  • Qualify leads in/out of funnel
  • Reflow leads back into campaigns
  • Funnel drill-down
  • Analyze campaign statistics
  • Manually tag profiles (unlimited)
  • Auto tag profiles
  • Search by tags
  • Export to csv
  • Export to Hubspot/ Pipedrive/ Zapier/ Make/ SharpSpring
  • Import csv list
  • Run activity from Hubspot/ Pipedrive/ Zapier/ Make/ SharpSpring
  • LinkedIn Basic, Business and Sales Navigator
  • Retain full control of your LinkedIn account
  • No access from untrusted 3rd party environments
  • Transparent LinkedIn activity from your desktop

Coupon codes

We don't have any codes (yet!)

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