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Web scraping + AI work automation, made easy
Company information
Hexomatic is a web scraping and workflow automation tool that empowers users to extract valuable data from websites, validate emails, and automate repetitive tasks. It goes beyond basic automation by offering AI-powered features for content writing and summarization, allowing businesses to save time and money while enriching their workflows.
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- Web Scraping Automations
- Custom Web Scraping
- Workflow Automations
- Data Transformation
- Integrations
- API Output
- Cloud-Based Execution
Social links
Hexomatic is a web scraping and workflow automation tool that empowers users to extract valuable data from websites, validate emails, and automate repetitive tasks. It goes beyond basic automation by offering AI-powered features for content writing and summarization, allowing businesses to save time and money while enriching their workflows.
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Pricing tiers
We do our best to make sure the Service List database is accurate. Although changes do happen, you can always visit their website for the latest information.
View pricing page ↗View pricing page ↗Bronze
- 2000 Automation credits (Monthly renewing quota)
- 3 Simultaneous running workflows
- Unlimited Create your own scraping recipes
- Access premium automations (requires premium credits)
- Access residential proxies (requires premium credits)
- All the benefits of Bronze, plus:
- 4500 Automation credits (Monthly renewing quota)
- 10 Simultaneous running workflows
- Scheduling
- Datacentre IP rotation
- All the benefits of Silver, plus:
- Automation credits (Monthly renewing quota)
- Unlimited Simultaneous running workflows
Contact Sales
- Personalized onboarding
- Team training
- Campaign setup and management
- Dedicated strategy consultant
Coupon codes
We don't have any codes (yet!)
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