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Generate Insight with AI and Knowledge Graphs
Company information
InfraNodus is a visual text network analysis tool enhanced by AI. It can be used for qualitative analysis, survey studies, scientific research, and also for personal self-exploration and discovery. Using a combination of powerful network analysis algorithms, NLP, and AI, combined with visualizations it is a powerful tool for visual thinkers and people who like to explore connections and gaps between their ideas.
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- Get an Overview of Any Text
- Discover the Gaps in Ideas
- Generate Insight using AI
- Multiple Import Sources
- Text Mining & Sentiment
- Interactive Text Visualization
- GPT AI-Enhanced Workflow
- Multilingual
- Fully Shareable
- Private by Default
- Multifunctional
Social links
InfraNodus is a visual text network analysis tool enhanced by AI. It can be used for qualitative analysis, survey studies, scientific research, and also for personal self-exploration and discovery. Using a combination of powerful network analysis algorithms, NLP, and AI, combined with visualizations it is a powerful tool for visual thinkers and people who like to explore connections and gaps between their ideas.
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Pricing tiers
We do our best to make sure the Service List database is accurate. Although changes do happen, you can always visit their website for the latest information.
View pricing page ↗View pricing page ↗Cloud Account
- 14-day free trial
- Instant Activation
- Cloud Version
- Technical Support
- Support Development
- Up to 250KB Upload (1MB for PDFs)
- Import 100 Amazon Reviews
- Import 300 Tweets
- Import 40 Google Results
- GPT-3 AI Insight Generation (max 40 per hour)
- Personal Use
Pro Account
- 14-day free trial
- Everything on the Cloud +
- Extended Quotas & Apps
- Dedicated Data Scientist
- Bigger File Uploads (max 1.25MB, PDFs: 2.1MB)
- Import 500 Amazon Reviews
- Import 1000 Tweets
- Import 60 Google Results
- Multiple File Uploads
- Live Graph Updates (max 5)
- GPT-4 Insight Generation (max 100 per hour)
- Commercial Use
Premium Account
- 14-day free trial
- Everything on the Pro +
- Multiple Cloud Users
- Training: 1 Hour/Month
- Remove InfraNodus Branding
- Extended Uploads (max 3MB)
- Import 1000 Amazon Reviews
- Import 3000 Tweets
- Import 100 Google Results
- Multiple File Uploads
- Live Graph Updates (max 20)
- GPT-4 Insight Generation (max 500 per hour)
- Fast-track Required Features
Coupon codes
We don't have any codes (yet!)
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