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World Leading Time Series Data Analysis Platform
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Marple AI is an AI-powered tool designed to provide insights into time series data. With Marple AI, users can ask questions about their data and automatically generate relevant plots or perform complex calculations. The tool utilizes GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to apply user prompts to large datasets, resulting in fast response times. One of the key features of Marple AI is its ability to automatically generate plots based on user prompts.Marple AI is an AI-powered tool designed to provide insights into time series data. With Marple AI, users can ask questions about their data and automatically generate relevant plots or perform complex calculations. The tool utilizes GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to apply user prompts to large datasets, resulting in fast response times. One of the key features of Marple AI is its ability to automatically generate plots based on user prompts.
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Marple AI is an AI-powered tool designed to provide insights into time series data. With Marple AI, users can ask questions about their data and automatically generate relevant plots or perform complex calculations. The tool utilizes GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to apply user prompts to large datasets, resulting in fast response times. One of the key features of Marple AI is its ability to automatically generate plots based on user prompts.Marple AI is an AI-powered tool designed to provide insights into time series data. With Marple AI, users can ask questions about their data and automatically generate relevant plots or perform complex calculations. The tool utilizes GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to apply user prompts to large datasets, resulting in fast response times. One of the key features of Marple AI is its ability to automatically generate plots based on user prompts.
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View pricing page ↗View pricing page ↗Marple Cloud
- Complete data analysis suite
- Focus on time series
- Support >10 file formats
- Lightning fast data visualizations
- Solution for entire team
Marple Connect
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- Self-managed
- Web-based
- Custom database connectors
- Supports ADX, TimescaleDB, Influx, and more
- Highly scalable within the team
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