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The premier knowledge management app for podcast listeners
Company information
Podwise is an AI-powered podcast app that helps you efficiently learn from podcasts. It provides tools for summarization, mind mapping, outlining, transcription, and quote extraction, enabling you to quickly grasp the essence of any podcast episode. Additionally, Podwise seamlessly integrates with your existing knowledge management workflow, such as Notion and Obsidian, making it a valuable tool for anyone who wants to learn more efficiently from podcasts.
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- Summarize knowledge from podcasts
- Mindmap podcast structure
- Outline key points
- Listen to podcast highlights
- Uncover notable quotes
- Transcribe podcasts
Social links
Podwise is an AI-powered podcast app that helps you efficiently learn from podcasts. It provides tools for summarization, mind mapping, outlining, transcription, and quote extraction, enabling you to quickly grasp the essence of any podcast episode. Additionally, Podwise seamlessly integrates with your existing knowledge management workflow, such as Notion and Obsidian, making it a valuable tool for anyone who wants to learn more efficiently from podcasts.
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Pricing tiers
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View pricing page ↗View pricing page ↗Free
- Enjoy 4 AI-enhanced episodes each month
- No credit card required
- Unlimited access to AI-enhanced episodes
- Run AI on 20 episodes each month
- Subscribe to custom RSS
- Save to Notion / Readwise / Obsidian
- Download mindmap as xmind file
- Copy transcript
- Everything in Standard
- Run AI on 50 episodes each month
- Get extra quota as low as $0.24/quota
Coupon codes
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