Prep AI
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Assessments Redefined with AI!
Company information
Prepai is an AI-powered test generator that creates question papers instantly. It offers various question types, including MCQs, descriptive questions, fill-in-the-blank, true/false quizzes, and statement-based questions. Prepai removes human bias and error judgments, making the process of creating papers less hassled.
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- Instant Quiz Generation
- Interface For Everyone
- Hassle-Free Learning
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Prepai is an AI-powered test generator that creates question papers instantly. It offers various question types, including MCQs, descriptive questions, fill-in-the-blank, true/false quizzes, and statement-based questions. Prepai removes human bias and error judgments, making the process of creating papers less hassled.
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Prep AI
Pricing tiers
We do our best to make sure the Service List database is accurate. Although changes do happen, you can always visit their website for the latest information.
View pricing page ↗View pricing page ↗Lifetime Deal
- Limited Access to Standard Mode
- Generate question paper - 2/Day
- Type or Paste Text, Topic Search
- Export question paper - 1/Day
- Practice Test - 1/Day*
Everything in Lifetime Deal plus:
- Unlimited Access to Standard, HOTS & Specialist Mode
- No Daily Limits to generate question papers
- Upload PDFs / Youtube URLs
- Export unlimited question papers in PDF
- Generate Sets, Conduct/Practice Test - Limited*
Everything in Solo plus:
- Export unlimited question papers in Word & Excel Format
- Collaborate with Teammates
- Account management
- Team Reports
- Dedicated Support Executive
Coupon codes
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