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Chat with complex technical documents and get the answers you need
Company information
SpinDoc is an AI-powered chatbot that can answer your questions by searching through complex technical documents. It can handle large files, search across multiple documents, and find the information you need quickly, even if you are not a technical expert. This makes SpinDoc a valuable tool for anyone who needs to quickly access information from complex documents.
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- Handles Large Technical Documents
- Cross-File Search
- Accurate Answers
- User-Friendly Interface
- AI-Powered Chatbot
Social links
SpinDoc is an AI-powered chatbot that can answer your questions by searching through complex technical documents. It can handle large files, search across multiple documents, and find the information you need quickly, even if you are not a technical expert. This makes SpinDoc a valuable tool for anyone who needs to quickly access information from complex documents.
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Pricing tiers
We do our best to make sure the Service List database is accurate. Although changes do happen, you can always visit their website for the latest information.
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- 100MB file upload
- 100 folders
- 100 questions
- 1 user
- Export questions and answers
- Basic support
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- Unlimited file upload
- Unlimited folders
- Unlimited questions
- Multi users
- Export questions and answers
- Priority support
Coupon codes
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