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Create an App with The Best No Code AI App Builder
Company information
Swiftspeed App is an AI-driven platform that enables users to create mobile apps without any coding skills. The platform offers pre-built templates, integrations, and features like push notifications and real-time updates, streamlining the app creation process. With tools designed for both businesses and individuals, it simplifies app development, providing a user-friendly interface and analytics for optimizing app performance. Swiftspeed App is ideal for entrepreneurs and developers looking for an efficient, no-code solution to launch and manage mobile apps.
No information available.
- No-coding required
- Convert website to app
- Publish app on Google Play and Apple App Store
- App analytics
- Push notifications
- Integrates with Google Analytics
- White-labeling
- Real-time preview
- Free game source code
- No ads or branding on paid plans
- Build Android and iOS apps
Social links
Swiftspeed App is an AI-driven platform that enables users to create mobile apps without any coding skills. The platform offers pre-built templates, integrations, and features like push notifications and real-time updates, streamlining the app creation process. With tools designed for both businesses and individuals, it simplifies app development, providing a user-friendly interface and analytics for optimizing app performance. Swiftspeed App is ideal for entrepreneurs and developers looking for an efficient, no-code solution to launch and manage mobile apps.
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Pricing tiers
We do our best to make sure the Service List database is accurate. Although changes do happen, you can always visit their website for the latest information.
View pricing page ↗View pricing page ↗Creator
- Create Only 1 app
- Basic Features
- Basic Template Design
- APK/AAB Access
- Lifetime Updates No Push Notification
- No Support
- Android Only
- 100MB
- 100G Bandwidth Monthly
- All Features on Free Plan Advanced Features
- Advanced Template Design
- Free Games Source Code Push Notification Standard Support (2 Business Days Replies)
- Monetize your App with Admob, FB, and StartIO
- 2 Apps on Yearly Subscription
- 1 App on Monthly
- APK/AAB Download IPA and iOS Source Download
- Android and iOS Publishing Available Advanced Statistics
- 2G Space
- 1TB Bandwidth Monthly
White Label
- Create up to 10 Apps/Subscription
- All Features/Templates on Business Plan
- Build your own App Maker platform
- Unlimited Push Notifications
- Advanced Statistics
- Access to all features and upcoming updates
- Create a Social Network App
- Make Ride or Taxi Apps
- Priority Support (Under 30min) App Web and PWA Version Available IPA and iOS Source Download
- Unlimited Space
- Unlimited Bandwith
Coupon codes
We don't have any codes (yet!)
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